- Prof. H. M. Wiseman FAA
- Centre for Quantum Dynamics
- Griffith University
- Brisbane Queensland 4111
- Email: H.Wiseman@griffith.edu.au
- Ph. 61-7-3735 7271
CV, Citations etc.:
Scopus list of Publications with Citations (instutional access required)
- Google Scholar list of Publications with Citations
- Preprint
versions of most of my papers, from the physics archive
- Download CV
- Download Ph.D. Thesis (PhDThesis.pdf)
- QUANTUM MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL --- the Cambridge University Press textbook by Wiseman and Milburn
- Download Errata for Quantum Measurement and Control
Links on this Page:
- Theory Group Photo
- Wiseman Group News
- Audios or Videos of some scientific and outreach presentations
- Some Popular Articles by me explaining aspects of science and research
- Centre for Quantum Computation and Communication
- Positions Available
Links to other Pages on my Site:
- My academic pedigree
- Hobby: History (especially dark-age Britain)
The Matter of Britain (378-634 A.D.) --- my quasihistory of dark-age Britain and Europe,
published in 2015 to
critical acclaim :-).
- My Family (and other animals)
The "Wiseman subset" of CQD's Theory Group (September 2022)
(An informal group photo at home. These are the postdoc and students who work directly with me at least some of the time.)

Back row: Mr Nattaphong Wonglakhon, Dr Behnam Tonekaboni, Mr Ori Somech, Mr Qiucheng Song, me, Dr Travis Baker, Dr Kiarn Laverick.
Front row: Mr Lucas Ostrowski, Dr Aníbal Utreras Alarcon, Dr Qi (Vicky) Yu, Dr Yanan Liu.
Previous group photos.
Wiseman Group News
Paper in AVS Quantum Science (and on the Cover)
Alex Pepper, Travis. J. Baker, Yuanlong Wang, Qiu-Cheng Song, ... Howard. M. Wiseman, Geoff. J. Pryde,
Scalable multiparty
steering based on a single pair of entangled qubits
to all the authors of A strong
no-go theorem on the Wigner's friend paradox, Nature Physics (2020),
chosen as one of of three (related) papers winning the
2023 Paul
Ehrenfest Award for Best Paper in Quantum Foundations
(for papers 2018-2022). Given by IQOQI-Wien under the auspices of the Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Welcome New PhD student, Ms Ingita Banerjee (now with me as principal supervisor,
following the departure of Dr Gerardo Paz Silva to DIRAQ).
Farewell to Dr Vicky Yu, moving back to China.
Farewell to Dr Yanan Liu, moving to a tenure-track position at Newcastle, NSW.
Farewell to Dr Kiarn Laverick, moving to a postdoc to CQT at NUS, Singapore.
Farewell to Dr Qiucheng Song, moving to a postdoc at KAIST, Korea.
Welcome back Dr Travis Baker, from NTU, Singapore.
Grant Success!
Dr Nora Tischler (lead), myself, and Dr Travis Baker have gained a 5-year AFOSR grant
"Creating Quantum States and Connecting Networks: Cybersecurity through the Lens of Nonlocality"
Paper in PRX-Quantum
Kiarn T. Laverick, Areeya Chantasri, Prahlad Warszawski, and Howard M. Wiseman,
Quantum state smoothing cannot be assumed classical
even when the filtering and retrofiltering are classical
Paper in Quantum (setting out an experiment for next century)
Howard M. Wiseman, Eric G. Cavalcanti, and Eleanor G. Rieffel,
A 'thoughtful' Local Friendliness no-go theorem: a prospective experiment with new assumptions to suit
Physical Review Letter
L.A. Ostrowski, T.J. Baker, S.N. Saadatmand, and H.M. Wiseman,
No Tradeoff between Coherence and
Sub-Poissonianity for Heisenberg-Limited Lasers
Letter in PRA
Hongting Song, Areeya Chantasri, Behnam Tonekaboni, and Howard M. Wiseman,
Optimized mitigation of
random-telegraph-noise dephasing by spectator-qubit sensing and control
Farewell to Dr Behnam Tonekaboni, moving to CSIRO, Melbourne.
Farewell to Dr Travis Baker, moving to a postdoc at NTU, Singapore.
Welcome New PhD student: Mr Ori Somech (from Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)
Welcome New postdoc: Dr Yanan Liu (from OIST, Japan)
Congratulations to Dr Aníbal Utreras-Alarcón on his PhD, and winning
the 2022 Chancellor’s Medal (one of four at GU).
Farewell and Congratulations to Dr Yuanlong Wang, moving to a tenure-track position with
Academy of Mathematics and System Science, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing.
Welcome New postdoc: Dr Qi (Vicky) Yu (from ANU)
Welcome New Ph.D. student Mr Nattaphong Wonglakhon (from Mahidol, Thailand).
New ARC Discovery Project Grant, Heisenberg-limited lasers: building the revolution. CIs: me and Dominic Berry (MQ)
Congratulations to Dr Kiarn Laverick on his PhD.
2021 Boas Medal awarded to me. For excellence in physics research in Australia 2018-21.
Paper in Quantum
Antoine Tilloy and Howard M. Wiseman,
wave-function collapse models are Bohmian-like theories in disguise
Paper in Physics Reports
Areeya Chantasria, Ivonne Guevara, Kiarn T. Laverick, and Howard M. Wiseman,
Unifying theory of quantum state estimation using past and future information
Welcome New Ph.D. student Mr Lucas Ostrowski.
Congratulations to Dr Travis Baker on his PhD.
Grant Renewal for AUSMURI!
Thanks to Dr Gerardo Paz Silva (Lead CI) and our Australian and US partners.
Some Popular Articles by me explaining aspects of science and research
- Published on March 30, 2022: Quantum applications and implications
(pdf download; a summary of the work for which I got the Boas Medal, in particular Heisenberg-limited lasers and the Local Friendliness theorem)
- Published on October 26, 2020: Reimagining the laser: new ideas from quantum theory could herald a revolution
- Published on 15 June, 2019: Quantum physics experiment shows Heisenberg was right about uncertainty, in a certain sense
- Published on 22 October, 2015: The universe really is weird: a landmark quantum experiment has finally proved it so
- Published on 24 October, 2014: When parallel worlds collide ... quantum mechanics is born
- Published on 6 July, 2012: Explainer: quantum computation and communication technology
- Published on 14 June, 2012: Explainer: Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle
Audios or Videos of some scientific and outreach presentations
- Australian Institute of Physics, Theoretical Physics Seminar Series, 24 March 2022:
Can a Qubit be your Friend? (90 minutes)
- Centre for Quantum Technologies Annual Symposium, NUS, 9 February, 2021:
Can a Qubit be your Friend? (60 minutes)
- Physics Department, University of Toronto, July 27, 2020:
The Heisenberg limit for laser coherence
- Institut Henri Poincaré, Published on 11 Jul 2018: Experimental optical phase measurement at the exact Heisenberg Limit
- Institute for Quantum Studies, Published on 27 Mar 2017: What is Quantum Markovianity?
- Singapore Science Centre, 11 January 2017: Are we living in the matrix: an introduction to quantum weirdness
- Griffith Impact Event, Brisbane, 29 November 2016: D-Day for Quantum Physics - The BIG BELL TEST (I and Prof. Geoff Pryde present)
- Interview with George Musser, Vienna, October 2015: An Interview with Howard Wiseman: the debate over quantum nonlocality ...
- Talk at Emergent Quantum Mechanics, Vienna, October 2015: Ensembles of Bohmian Trajectories: Real, Surreal, and Hyper-Real
- ABC Queensland Radio broadcast, 16th February
2015: Sweating
the Small Stuff: Panel
discussion by me and of others about quantum physics
- Quantum Theory Without Observers III, Bielefeld,
2013: Interview
of me (and of others) about quantum foundations
- Quantum Theory Without Observers
III, Bielefeld, 2013: My lecture, "Weak values
and Quantum Foundations" (and others' lectures)
- Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, 2013: Quantum
Enhanced Optical Phase Tracking
- BrisScience public talk, Brisbane,
2011: Are We Living in the Matrix?
- NASA, Moffat Field, 2012: Quantum
Limits in Phase Estimation
- Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, 2009: Adaptive
vs Non-adaptive Measurements for Estimation and Discrimination
- Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, 2009: Tutorial
on Quantum Feedback Control 1 and 2
- Perimeter Institute Recorded Seminar
Archive (PIRSA), 2009: What de
Broglie--Bohm Mechanics tells us about the Nature of the Quantum State
- Perimeter Institute Recorded Seminar Archive
(PIRSA), 2004: Quantum foundations in the
light of quantum dynamics: from weak values to Bohm
- Perimeter Institute Recorded Seminar Archive
(PIRSA), 2004: Entanglement constrained by
indistinguishability: SSRs, Reference Frames
and Beyond
- Griffith University: Introduction to the Centre
for Quantum Dynamics (2010)
- Griffith University: Introduction
to quantum physics research (2007?)

The Centre for
Quantum Computation and Communication
Technology was
established as an Australian Research Council (ARC) Centre of
in 2011, and renewed for a further 7 years in 2018. (It succeeds earlier ARC -funded Centres going back to 2000.)
It now research programs at eight Australian Universities: UNSW, Melbourne, ANU,
Griffith, Queensland, RMIT, and UTS. I am Node Manager of the Griffith effort.
This comprises four Programs: a Quantum Information Theory Program
headed by me,
and three experimental Optical
Quantum Information Programs headed by my colleagues
Prof. Geoff Pryde, Dr Nora Tischler, and Dr Sergei Slussarenko.
My Theory Program supports wide-ranging
theoretical research in
quantum information, underpinning both quantum communication and
quantum computation, and uncovering new implications and applications
of the quantum information perspective. Funding is
possible for short and medium-term visitors. For more
information see the Program
the CQC2T website.
New PhD students interested in studying in my group are welcome. Scholarships
are available for domestic and overseas students with 1st Class Honours
or equivalent (typically >80% in the 4th or higher year of
studies, including a research project equivalent to at least one
semester of full time study). In addition, all
domestic students in CQD obtaining an Australian government award will be given a top-up for 3 years. Please contact me if you are
interested. For details about how to apply please see www.griffith.edu.au/centre-quantum-dynamics/research-degrees
A Guaranteed Scholarship is available for the best applicant for a joint project with
Dr Nora Tischler and Dr Travis Baker,
Theory of photonic quantum state generation and its use for cybersecurity. This covers several topics of research in
quantum information processing and quantum networks with a focus on photonic technology.